My path to inner peace and joy...
Positive Psychology Practitioner, Laughter and Holistic Therapist, Joyful Butterfly!
Pu-Tai Wellbeing came about as a result of my collection of laughing Buddhas, and discovering his story ... Pu-Tai was a jolly, well-rounded figure who went travelling from village to village, laughing A LOT and throwing sweets to children! With just his cloth sack on a stick, he would chat to the adults of the place he was visiting, to emphasise the importance of putting your sack down, relaxing, and being playful!
I love Pu-Tai’s story, and I’ve discovered – through my own emotional and spiritual path - that sometimes, in order to play and access the non-judgemental beautiful freedom and trust of the child within, we first must look at the barriers that stop us – unhealed wounds, fear of what others will think, judgements from others that we’ve made our own ...
Before Pu-Tai, I worked across Resource Management and Learning & Development in various sectors; Oil & Gas (up /downstream), Occupational Health, Manufacturing, I.T. Consultancy. But I’ve always had a positive, butterfly energy ... always better with people than a spreadsheet! I was a radiant round peg in a square hole ... so if you feel a bit lost or unsure about where you are in your life at the moment ... I understand, as it has taken me a long time to connect to and trust my own personal medicine.
The highest vibrations of love – joy, harmony, serenity, trust – are all those I aspire to. My aim is to walk in beauty, despite, or perhaps because of, the difficulties of simply being human and walking this path. Learning how to use emotions like anger constructively, to motivate us to get out of rut or to make positive change – rather than allowing anger to diminish ourselves or others. Using fear of the unknown, to help us dive more deeply into a feeling of trust and wellbeing. Using silence to help us see our worries and thought streams as just that – streams of thought that can flow away – giving us space to learn what can help us feel more resilient and resourceful. We can then simply put one foot in front of another, and reach for support when we’re feeling low.
I’d love you to feel uplifted, inspired, connected and joyful from our encounter. Unless of course, I’m having an off day, in which case orange Smarties, a friendly smile, a giggle, maybe a hug - will be most welcome!
Holistic Therapist MGHT
CIPD Cert. Training
TAP Cert. Coaching
ITOL Acc. Brain Friendly Trainer
NLP Practitioner
Laughter Yoga Leader
Counselling Skills, Cert. DiSC Trainer
Cert. Meditation Teacher - Shri Sadhu Dharmavira